I have been your patient since 2006. While I’ve been attending your practice, I have received the best care that anyone can have with chronic pain. You have really changed the quality of my life for the best and for that I will always be grateful to you. When I would come in for therapy, I never witnessed any problems other than some people from the apartment building behind your office who were loitering outside your building but they seem innocent enough. In the summer of 2012, CVS Pharmacy located at the corner of Alpine Rd and State Street in Rockford, Il, contacted me to find out if I was still taking some medication. I cannot remember the name of it now. I advised them that I was not and that I had returned it to your proper disposal. CVS advised me that the Rockford Police Department had found my medication on someone else. When I brought it to your attention, that’s when you told me that someone had broken into your office and must have taken it. A week later, the Rockford Police Department contacted me regarding the medication and to ask if anyone had broken into my car or home and taken it. I replied that I had not experienced that myself but that someone had broken into your office. Please let me know if can be of further assistance.